Pages (7 results)
Top![Renewable & Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL)](
Renewable & Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL)
RAEL is engaged in projects to develop the science, technology, policy needs and to foster engagements that explore the future of energy, specifically the transition to a low-cabon, environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable energy system.
![Energy Modeling, Analysis & Control (EMAC)](
Analysis & Control (EMAC) Energy Modeling
The Energy Modeling, Analysis and Control (EMAC) group addresses the engineering and techno-economic challenges to decarbonizing electric power systems. Our work ranges from applied to theoretical. Much of our work focuses on building new control and optimization frameworks to facilitate the operation of low carbon grids.
Give to ERG
Your donation to ERG provides critical funding and academic opportunities for our graduate students. ERG has a 50-year history of outstanding research, teaching, policy advice and scholar-activism. ERG has researched ... Continue Reading »
“Biodiversity Scales from Plots to Biomes With a Universal Species-Area Curve” John Harte, Adam B. Smith, and David Storch“Carbon Cycle Uncertainty Increases Climate Change Risks and Mitigation Challenges” Paul A. ... Continue Reading »
Sustainability Summer Minor and Certificate
The Minor and Certificate in Sustainability provides a comprehensive understanding of the most pressing issues facing the world today. ERG’s Minor/Certificate program offers a practical and relevant interdisciplinary approach at ... Continue Reading »
Summer Instructors
The Energy and Resources Group summer instructors understand the complex and interdisciplinary nature of sustainability. All have significant experience teaching and/or professional experience in the subject areas of their courses. ... Continue Reading »
Affiliated Faculty
ERG has a small core faculty but a much larger group of affiliated faculty. Affiliated faculty are based in other departments on campus or at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ... Continue Reading »
Faculty (1 results)
Top![Kammen, Daniel M.](
Daniel M. Kammen
Daniel Kammen is the Distinguished Professor of Energy with appointments in the Energy and Resources Group, The Goldman School of Public Policy, and the Department of Nuclear Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley.
- Africa
- Asia
- Energy Access
- Energy for Community Development
- Energy Supply
- Energy Transmission
- Latin America
- Life-cycle Impacts of Transportation
- Low-carbon Energy Systems
- Smart Grid
Students (17 results)
Top![Canales Valenzuela, Javiera](
Javiera Canales Valenzuela
My principal interests are the development of sustainable urban systems that improve quality of life for people and work in harmony with the natural environment through the utilization of clean ... Continue Reading »
![Craigg, Jessica](
Jessica Craigg
My research is on renewable energy, gender relations, and rural life. Informed by critical social theory and political economy and ecology of energy, my work pivots around the gendered dimensions ... Continue Reading »
![Crespo Montanes, Cristina](
Cristina Crespo Montanes
Focusing on innovations in renewable energy infrastructure and the potential impacts of such technology in the energy markets, my main interest lies in mechanisms to enhance reliability of fully renewable ... Continue Reading »
![Kersey, Jess](
Jess Kersey
Jess Kersey is a fourth-year PhD student broadly interested in technology, regulation, and policy to improve energy access and climate adaptation efforts across multiple geographies including East Africa, Latin America, ... Continue Reading »
![Katz, Jessica](
Jessica Katz
Siting Renewable Energy in a Changing Climate: A Reimagining of BLM’s Solar Energy Zones (MS ’20) At ERG, Jessica is focusing on learning advanced methods to comprehensively evaluate the ecological, ... Continue Reading »
![Gorman, Will](
Will Gorman
Effects of Electricity Consumption and Rate Design on Solar Plus Storage-enabled Grid Defection (MS ’19) Will’s primary research interests involve assessing the opportunity for distributed energy resources to participate on ... Continue Reading »
- Demand Side Management
- Distributed energy resources
- economics
- electricity storage
- energy policy
- renewable energy
- transportation
![Shears, Esther](
Esther Shears
The Impact of Data Access on Academic Research: Evidence from the Land Remote-sensing Commercialization Act of 1984 (MS ’18) Esther researches how climate change will impact the financial sector and ... Continue Reading »
- climate
- economics
- environmental justice
- integrated assessment modeling
- international political economy
- SEEL Lab
- sustainable finance
![Dees, John](
John Dees
John’s research is primarily concerned with macro-energy systems analysis. He is interested in the life cycle characteristics of renewable energy systems, with a current focus on the carbon drawdown potential ... Continue Reading »
![Kudrimoti, Aaditee](
Aaditee Kudrimoti
Aaditee Kudrimoti is a first year PhD student in the Energy and Resources Group. She completed undergraduate degrees from UC Berkeley in Political Science and Public Policy (go bears!) and ... Continue Reading »
- Agriculture
- citizen science in environmental justice campaigns
- climate
- development
- energy
- Environmental / Climate Equity
- transportation
- water
![McAdams, Jasmine](
Jasmine McAdams
Jasmine is a first year MS/PhD student at UC Berkeley’s Energy and Resources Group, with a passion for supporting robust and equitable decision-making in climate and energy. Her research interests ... Continue Reading »
![Grayson, Alexandra](
Alexandra Grayson
Alexandra (she/her) is a first-year Master of Science candidate in the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley. She is particularly interested in furthering procedural environmental justice ... Continue Reading »
- climate
- Climate justice
- Environmental Economics
- Ocean Technology and Policy
- renewable energy
- urban planning
![Shiyayo, Lynn](
Lynn Shiyayo
Lynn is a MS student and researcher in the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research lies at the intersection of transportation, climate, and equity ... Continue Reading »
- Air Pollution Modelling
- climate
- development
- ecology / environmental science
- economics
- energy
- Environmental / Climate Equity
- transportation
- transportation and land use planning
- urban planning
![Miles, Samuel](
Samuel Miles
Sam Miles is a Ph.D. student in the Energy and Resources Group, and in the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Lab at the University of California, Berkeley. His research focus is ... Continue Reading »
- Agriculture
- climate
- development
- economics
- energy
- Mini-grids
- Productive uses
- sanitation
- transportation
- Urbanization
- water
![Gill-Wiehl, Annelise](
Annelise Gill-Wiehl
Annelise Gill-Wiehl is currently an NSF Graduate Student Researcher and an MS/Ph.D. Candidate in the Energy & Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley, co-advised by Dr. Dan Kammen ... Continue Reading »
![Worsham, Marshall](
Marshall Worsham
A Remote Sensing Method for Detecting Agents of Forest Disturbance (MA ’20) Marshall’s interests lie in environmental governance and ecology, in particular, the relationships among regulatory structure, conflict, and ecosystem ... Continue Reading »
![Griffin-Carney, Jesse](
Jesse Griffin-Carney
Integrating Fuel-Based End Uses Into a Clean Electric System: Quantifying the Trade Off Between Electrification and Electrically Synthesized Fuels (MS ’20) Jess Carney is interested in understanding how sustainable energy ... Continue Reading »
![Elmallah, Salma](
Salma Elmallah
Characterizing Fairness, Transparency, and Openness in US Wind Project Planning (MS ’19) Salma’s dissertation studies the equity and distributional impacts of residential heating electrification policy and planning, focusing on cities ... Continue Reading »
Alumni (60 results)
Top![Knapstein, Jessie](
Jessie Knapstein
Energy policy wonk trying to craft and institute economically efficient policy to promote the use of renewable energy technologies and reduce our emissions.
![Sifuentes, Froy](
Froy Sifuentes
The world is witnessing a rapid advance in renewable energy with China as one in the forefront. However, adding enough renewable energy to satisfy China's growing power needs is quite complex. ERG Ph.D. candidate, Froy Sifuentes, focuses on the challenges of integrating wind power to help make China's grid cleaner. Read on and learn more about Froy and his work (and fun) at ERG.
![Yevoo, Edem](
Edem Yevoo
Edem received his B.S in Environmental Science and Technology, with a concentration in Ecological Technology Design and minor in Geographic Information Science (GIS) from the University of Maryland, College Park ... Continue Reading »
![Clarke, Nick](
Nick Clarke
A Discrete-event Simulator to Determine if Public Transit Buses Go Battery Electric Today (MA ’20) A native of Utah, Nick holds a BA in Environmental Studies from Westminster College in ... Continue Reading »
![Miller, Christian](
Christian Miller
Measuring California’s Energy Service Affordability (MS ’19) Christian is fascinated by energy end-uses’ effect on communities’ economic and political well-being. While his formal scientific background is in biorenewable resources, his ... Continue Reading »
- climate
- development
- economics
- energy
- energy policy
- equitable energy access
- rural electrification
- transportation
![Worley, Peter](
Peter Worley
Ohio Industrial Electricity Rates: Is the Price Right? (MS ’19) Peter is interested in investigating the market and regulatory barriers to technological solutions to renewable energy generation, net-zero buildings, and ... Continue Reading »
![Tome, Emma](
Emma Tome
Who Governs a Sustainable Neighborhood? Planning a Community-scale Retrofit in Oakland, California (MS ’18) Emma’s interests are at the intersection of climate change adaptation, environmental justice, and science and technology ... Continue Reading »
![Ferrall, Isa](
Isa Ferrall
Decentralized solar energy systems for electricity access: historical context and comparisons of reliability (MS ’18); Quantitative approaches to energy justice: examining fair access to reliable electricity (PhD ’22) Isa earned ... Continue Reading »
- data sharing
- decentralized energy systems
- development
- energy
- rural electrification
- solar innovation
- sustainable development
![Rand, Joseph](
Joseph Rand
Environmental, Economic, and Social Trade-Offs of Hydropower Relicensing (MS ’16) Joseph is interested in the social, environmental, and economic trade-offs in energy development, and in particular the social conflicts arising ... Continue Reading »
![Jacobson, Arne](
Arne Jacobson
ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: ARNE JACOBSON Ph.D. 2004 Professor in the Department of Environmental Resources Engineering at Humboldt State University From his post at Humboldt State University, Arne Jacobson passionately extends ... Continue Reading »
- energy use and environmental impacts
- international development
- regional energy planning
- renewable energy
- renewable energy on Native American Reservation lands
- social and economic costs and benefits of energy use
![Moreno, Laura](
Laura Moreno
Everyday Transformations of Food to Waste: What and Why Food is Discarded in U.S. Households (PhD ’19) From digging through trash to looking inside of people’s refrigerators, Laura researches household-level ... Continue Reading »
![Brockway, Anna](
Anna Brockway
New challenges facing electric power systems: Integrating technical realities and policy goals (PhD ’22) Anna Brockway is a PhD from the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley. She holds ... Continue Reading »
- climate adaptation
- economics
- electricity grid
- electricity markets
- energy
- Energy System Modeling
- renewable energy integration
- renewable energy policy
- solar energy
- utility business models
![Jarvis, Stephen](
Stephen Jarvis
Stephen is a PhD Candidate at UC Berkeley’s Energy & Resources Group and a Researcher at the Energy Institute at Haas. His work lies at the intersection of economics, public ... Continue Reading »
![Shaw, Britt](
Britt Shaw
At ERG, I am exploring the barriers to renewable projects that are stalled or abandoned in emerging markets and potential solutions. By striving to answer that question, I hope to help move electricity sector development forward — especially in East Africa.
- Africa
- development
- economics
- Emerging Markets
- energy
- Energy Access
- Off-Grid Power
- renewable energy integration
- water
- water-energy nexus
![Lara, José Daniel](
José Daniel Lara
Modeling and Simulation of Electric Power Systems with Large Shares of Renewable Energy (PhD ’22) Jose Daniel was born in San José Costa Rica, received his B.Sc. and Licentiate in ... Continue Reading »
- development
- economics
- energy
- energy policy
- Energy System Modeling
- Optimization
- power systems operation
- power systems planning
- transportation
- water
![Hidalgo-Gonzalez, Patricia](
Patricia Hidalgo-Gonzalez
Learning and Control Systems for the Integration of Renewable Energy into Grids of the Future (PhD ’20) Patricia is a Ph.D. candidate at UC Berkeley co-advised by Daniel Kammen and ... Continue Reading »
- climate change
- energy
- Energy economics
- energy policy
- High integration of renewable energy in the system
- Hybrid Systems Laboratory at EECS
- long-term power systems planning
![MacDonald, Jason](
Jason MacDonald
Jason is interested in optimization and control of distributed energy resources to support renewable energy integration into the electricity grid. He works at Lawrence Berkeley National lab researching wholesale electricity ... Continue Reading »
- climate change
- demand response
- Distributed energy resources
- electric vehicles
- Electricity Grid and Markets
- energy
- renewable energy integration
![Otlhogile, Monkgogi](
Monkgogi Otlhogile
Monkgogi (who goes by MK) was born and raised in Botswana and recently graduated cum laude with her BA from Scripps College in Environment, Economics, and Politics. Personally, MK has ... Continue Reading »
![Szinai, Julia](
Julia Szinai
Julia studied economics and Spanish at UC Berkeley as an undergraduate, and realized her interest in energy and environmental issues while a research assistant at the UC Energy Institute. After ... Continue Reading »
- climate change
- demand response
- electric system planning
- electric vehicles
- energy policy
- energy water nexus
- renewable integration
![Golden, Rachel](
Rachel Golden
Achieving Long-term Climate Goals in the US: Unlocking the Potential of High-Efficiency Electric Technology in Our Homes and Buildings (MS/MPP ’16) Rachel is interested in advancing policies that can help ... Continue Reading »
- climate change
- development
- economics
- energy
- environmental justice
- Equity and Access
- Grid flexibility
- renewable integration
John Ross
Creating a Smooth Pathway From Innovation to Commercialization within the California Public Interest Energy Research Program (’01 M.S.) Research Interests: Performance of policy and technical analyses to increase awareness of ... Continue Reading »
Nancy Rader
The Role of Renewable Energy in Global Warming Mitigation: A Critique of Trusted Assessments (’92 M.A.)
- California RPS implementation
- renewable energy policy
- Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)
- wind energy system integration
Eric Martinot
Wind-Generated Electric Power in the Soviet Union: Geographical and Technical Prospects (’91 MA) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Russia: Perspectives and Problems of International Technology Transfer and Investment (’95 ... Continue Reading »
- global renewable energy markets/investments/policies/future pathways
- renewable energy policy in China
- solar (sustainable) cities
Fernando Manibog
A Rural Energy Survey and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Renewable Energy Technologies for a Philippine Island Community (’82 Ph.D.)
- reforms and private sector development in developing country electricity sectors
- rural and renewable energy in developing countries
Amber Kerr
Drought resilience of maize-legume agroforestry systems in Malawi (PhD ’12) Amber Kerr is an agricultural ecologist focusing on climate change impacts and adaptation. She has studied nutrient cycling in California ... Continue Reading »
Donna Green
Renewable Energy Technology Systems for Remote Area Electrification in Indonesia: A Critical Review of Technology Transfer (’00 M.A.) Power Games: The Political Use of Solar Technology in Northern Thailand (04 PhD)
- climate change and equity concerns
- gender and technology issues
- globalization
- regional hierarchies and power structures
- renewable energy technology transfer especially of photovoltaic systems in Thailand
- sustainable energy use - focused in rural areas of Southeast Asia
Brandon Glenn
Renewable Energy Certificates and Project Development: A Case Study of the Rosebud Wind Turbine’s Success (’09 MS)
- atmospheric science
- coal development
- hydrogeology
- nuclear waste
- renewable energy with a focus on wind turbines
Michael Ferry
A Renewable Energy in Vehicles (REV) Mandate: Establishing a Zero Carbon Energy Standard for California Automobiles (MS ’08)
- biodiversity threats
- ecological conservation and restoration
- water resouces management
- watershed protections
Douglas Bushey
Renewable Energy Systems in Rural Eritrea – Concepts for Three Wind-Powered, Village-Scale, Clean Development Mechanism Projects (MA ’05) Building an International Administrative Law of Expertise: Law and Science in the ... Continue Reading »
![Seel, Joachim](
Joachim Seel
Landing on the Sun! How to Make Residential PV Price-Competitive in the U.S. with Lessons Learned in Germany (MS/MPP ’12) Socio-Economic and Engineering Assessments of Renewable Energy cost Reduction Potential (PhD ... Continue Reading »
- electricity market design
- market integration of intermittent renewable electricity
- Renewable energy markets and policy
- technology learning
![Wu, Grace](
Grace Wu
Land Use in Renewable Energy Planning (PhD ’18) Inspired by the possibility of ecologically-bounded growth, Grace is interested in water and land use impacts of energy technologies; water management that ... Continue Reading »
- ecological economics
- land use impacts of energy systems
- renewable resource assessment
- spatial statistics
- water-energy nexus
![Sognnaes, Ida](
Ida Sognnaes
Ida Sognnaes is a PhD student in the Energy and Resources Group. She is originally from Norway and came to Berkeley for the first time as part of her five ... Continue Reading »
- Dynamical systems of energy and resources
- ecological economics
- Human-Natural Complex Networks
- Science and Technology Studies
![Shirley, Rebekah](
Rebekah Shirley
Rebekah Shirley believes that there is more than one path to a bright, energy secure future. Developing nations strive to connect more and more of their communities to energy. Many have emulated the fossil fuel intensive model of developed nations, but Rebekah believes that this is not necessarily the only way.
![Sangchote, Chayaporn](
Chayaporn Sangchote
Exploring the Impacts of ASEAN Energy Cooperation on the Renewable Energy Development and Policy Implementation of the ASEAN Members (MS ’14)
![Reilly, Jessica](
Jessica Reilly
Jess studies the impact of and adaptation to climate change on Latin America’s coasts. Currently, she travels on her 39-foot sailboat, Oleada, down the Pacific coast of Mexico and Central ... Continue Reading »
- climate adaptation
- coastal resilience
- international development
- narratives as science
- renewable energy mapping
- rural resources
- Science communication
- visual media
![Mileva, Ana](
Ana Mileva
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions, System Flexibility Requirements, and Drivers of Storage Deployment in the Western North American Power System through 2050 (PhD ’14) Ana’s PhD research is in modeling electricity ... Continue Reading »
![Marsters, Peter](
Peter Marsters
Peter Marsters is a Master’s candidate at ERG focusing on the environmental impacts of unconventional fossil fuel developments. He came to ERG from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, ... Continue Reading »
![Holiday, Lindsay](
Lindsay Holiday
Renewable Energy Landscape of Indigenous Nations in the United States, Canada, and Australia (MS ’12) Lindsay is from Teec Nos Pos, Arizona located on the Navajo Nation. She’s interested in ... Continue Reading »
- Appropriate renewable energy technologies for sustainable development
- climate change policy
- Distributed Generation
- energy policy
- quantifying cultural and social impacts of energy projects
- Regional Electricity Planning in the West
- self-suffiency for Tribal Nations in the US
- Tribal governance
- Tribal Utilities
Mark Dyson
Economic, technological, and policy aspects of integrating renewable energy into existing electricity systems using innovative demand response strategies.
![Deshmukh, Ranjit](
Ranjit Deshmukh
India’s Low Carbon Electricity Futures (PhD ’17) Ranjit’s research efforts largely focus on addressing the clean energy and energy access challenges in developing nations. As part of both the International ... Continue Reading »
- demand response
- energy access and micro-grids in developing countries
- energy markets
- Energy modeling
- Power Systems
- renewables integration
![Carvallo Bodelon, Juan Pablo](
Juan Pablo Carvallo Bodelon
Mind the Gap: Bridging Strategies for Universal Energy Access (PhD ’19) Since graduating as an electronics engineer in 2004, JP Carvallo has been working, studying, and researching different aspects of ... Continue Reading »
- electricity and energy markets
- Latin America
- national systems of innovation
- Renewable energy policy and institutions
- sustainability in less industrialized economies
![Borgeson, Sam](
Sam Borgeson
Targeted Efficiency: Using Customer Meter Data to Improve Efficiency Program Outcomes (PhD ’14) Sam’s works focuses on tools to scale up and improve the performance of energy efficiency programs in ... Continue Reading »
![Avrin, Anne-Perrine](
Anne-Perrine Avrin
Designing and Adapting Appropriate Socio-technical Systems for the Renewable Energy Transition (PhD ’18) Anne-Perrine is a PhD student in the Energy and Resources Group and a research fellow within the ... Continue Reading »
- Energy economics
- Energy modeling
- Nuclear desalination
- Nuclear energy
- Planning electric power systems in developing and emerging countries
- water-energy nexus
![Avila, Nkiruka](
Nkiruka Avila
Designing and Adapting Appropriate Socio-Technical Systems for the Renewable Energy Transition (PhD ’18) Nkiruka has expertise in solar grid integration and climate policy in California, and in electricity access in ... Continue Reading »
![Alstone, Peter](
Peter Alstone
Peter’s research focus areas are information technology approaches to energy development, understanding markets for demand-side energy technology, and energy technology policy. Outside of academics, he contributes to the Lighting Global ... Continue Reading »
![Marealle, Joyceline](
Joyceline Marealle
Business strategy for Micro-Grid Providers in California (MS ’22) Joyceline is a Tanzanian who holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Rochester. Her research interest lies ... Continue Reading »
![Jones, Nia](
Nia Jones
Dear White People: Recommendations to Successfully Attract, Recruit, and Retain Minoritized Students in Green Energy (MS ’22) A native of the nation’s Capitol, Washington, D.C., Nia was born into the ... Continue Reading »
![Mallet Dias, Arthur](
Arthur Mallet Dias
Promoting Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development: A Review and Evaluation of Enterprise Facilitation (MS ’22) Arthur is interested in using sustainable innovation as a framework for designing new businesses, services, and ... Continue Reading »
- climate
- development
- energy
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental / Climate Equity
- Impact Investing
- local economic development
- sustainable communities
- Sustainable Innovation
![Rayef, Reem](
Reem Rayef
Reem is a concurrent MPP/ERG student at UC Berkeley. She is broadly interested in leveraging energy policy toward the decarbonization of transportation and transit systems in urban settings. Previously, Reem ... Continue Reading »
![Siddique, Samira](
Samira Siddique
Development for the Stateless: the Displacement-Development Nexus and Implications for the Future (MS ’19) Samira Siddique is a PhD candidate and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow in the Energy ... Continue Reading »
- Climate change justice
- critical development studies
- Cultural memory
- Displacement infrastructure
- Forced migration and refugee studies
- Postcolonial theory
![Cabiyo, Bodie](
Bodie Cabiyo
Bodie uses interdisciplinary approaches to investigate nature-based solutions to climate change. He currently studies how policy and innovative technology can enable carbon-beneficial forest management. This work bridges industrial ecology, forest ... Continue Reading »
![Williams, Jim](
Jim Williams
M.S. 1986 – A Vehicular Power Plant Application of the Monolithic Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Ph.D. 1995 – Fan-Lizhi’s Big Bang: Science and Politics in Mao’s China ERG alumnus Jim Williams, now ... Continue Reading »
- acid rain
- Arctic haze
- China
- comparative religion
- cosmology
- dissidents and outlaws
- economic globalization and cultural survival
- fuel-cell powered vehicles
- global change
- over the last ten years: speech synthesizers
- science and politics
- the theory and practice of Utopia
Matthew St. Clair
The Renewable Robin Hood: How Taking from Natural Gas Producers and Giving to Energy Consumers Softens the Economic Impact of a Renewable Portfolio Standard (03 MA)
Jessica Radolf
Berkeley Energy Market Analysis Phase I: The Demand for Energy Conservation and Renewables (’81 M.A.)
![Marcus, David](
David Marcus
ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT This ERG alumni spotlight features one of the first ERG graduate students, David Marcus (MA’77), and is written by ERG alumna, Sarita Sarvate (MS’78). The piece is the first ... Continue Reading »
![Sager, Jalel](
Jalel Sager
Formerly a freelance writer and founding director of the Vietnam Green Building Council (2007-2009), Jalel remains a board member and international coordinator for Green Cities Fund (its NGO parent). In ... Continue Reading »
![Nelson, James](
James Nelson
Scenarios for Deep Carbon Emission Reductions from Electricity by 2050 in Western North America Using the SWITCH Electric Power Sector Planning Model (PhD ’14) Jimmy Nelson is a graduating Ph.D. ... Continue Reading »
![Jones, Christopher](
Christopher Jones
Chris Jones is Director of the CoolClimate Network, a university-government-industry partnership at the University of California, Berkeley, and Lecturer at the Haas School of Business. His primary research interests are ... Continue Reading »
- behavioral psychology
- Carbon footprint analysis
- economics
- energy
- Environmental / Climate Equity
- Environmental Policy
- Environmental Psychology
- transportation
- urban planning
![Gershenson, Dimitry](
Dimitry Gershenson
Dimitry currently works as a Program Manager on Facebook’s Global Impact Partnerships Team. Prior to Facebook, Dimitry was a graduate student at ERG where he worked on market assessment for ... Continue Reading »
![Cohen, Michael](
Michael Cohen
Michael Cohen puts the power and complexity of the grid into students' hands via a video game. We asked Michael about his innovative project and his unique experience at ERG. "In addition to developing the game itself, I am working with teachers at local high schools to develop curriculum around it and try it out with their students this year. I hope to not only create a solid educational product but also gain some insights into how technology can be used to support learning about complex systems in general."
- energy
- Energy System Modeling
- Integration of renewable electricity into power systems
- Video Gaming for Education
News (69 results)
Top![Now is the Time to Start a Community Microgrid: ERG’s Dan Kammen on the Growing Accessibility of Renewable Energy](
Now is the Time to Start a Community Microgrid: ERG’s Dan Kammen on the Growing Accessibility of Renewable Energy
April 13, 2022
ERG’s Dan Kammen was featured in a recent Popular Science article discussing how more communities are beginning to generate their own power using renewable energy from microgrids. With the increased accessibility ... Continue Reading »
![ERG’s Dan Kammen on How Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine Underscores the Urgency of Shifting to Renewable Energy](
ERG’s Dan Kammen on How Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine Underscores the Urgency of Shifting to Renewable Energy
March 7, 2022
ERG's Dan Kammen was featured in a recent article in the Los Angeles Times proposing that Russian aggression has hastened the need for America and other nations to transition away from relying on fossil fuels. (Photo by Karsten Würth)
![EU Renewable Energy Plan for 2030 Allows Countries to Cut Down and Burn Additional Trees for Energy](
EU Renewable Energy Plan for 2030 Allows Countries to Cut Down and Burn Additional Trees for Energy
December 14, 2017
The European Union has set ambitious goals for its renewable energy portfolio in order to drastically reduce emissions by 2030. However, the current version of its plan essentially allows for ... Continue Reading »
![Dan Kammen: Renewable Energy, the Effects of Climate Change on Tropical Storms, and his Science Envoy Resignation](
the Effects of Climate Change on Tropical Storms Dan Kammen: Renewable Energy
September 11, 2017
Photo: Lizette Kabré After a few hectic weeks in the news, Energy and Resources Professor Dan Kammen reflects on his resignation as State Department Science Envoy and highlights the continued importance ... Continue Reading »
![ERG Ph.D. Candidate Grace Wu – New Tool Helps African Countries Find the Best Sites for Renewable Energy Projects](
ERG Ph.D. Candidate Grace Wu – New Tool Helps African Countries Find the Best Sites for Renewable Energy Projects
April 14, 2017
ERG Ph.D. candidate Grace Wu is featured in this IEEE Spectrum article on a tool called Multicriteria Analysis for Planning Renewable Energy (MapRE)
![Kammen on Energy in Africa: Why Renewables Will Give More People Access to Energy than Coal](
Kammen on Energy in Africa: Why Renewables Will Give More People Access to Energy than Coal
October 19, 2017
ERG Professor Dan Kammen was quoted in CarbonBrief this week, reinforcing the International Energy Agency’s assertion that renewable energy is emerging as a cheaper and more socially responsible alternative to coal ... Continue Reading »
![ERG Researchers on Furthering Energy Equity in Africa Using Data Methods](
ERG Researchers on Furthering Energy Equity in Africa Using Data Methods
August 15, 2022
ERG researchers Daniel Kammen, Sam Miles, Annelise Gill-Wiehl, and Hilary Yu at the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Lab (RAEL) published a piece in Clean Technica about the Congo Power initiative, ... Continue Reading »
![ERG Annual Lecture Returns in 2022: Damilola Ogunbiyi Speaks on Driving an Equitable Energy Transition](
ERG Annual Lecture Returns in 2022: Damilola Ogunbiyi Speaks on Driving an Equitable Energy Transition
April 6, 2022
After going on hiatus for two years during the COVID-19 pandemic, the ERG Annual Lecture on Energy and the Environment returned as a fully in-person event this year, with Damilola Ogunbiyi speaking at Sibley Auditorium about how to drive a more just and equitable global energy transition.
![ERG Alumni Deshmukh, Phadke and Professor Callaway Suggest India Double Down on Renewables](
Phadke and Professor Callaway Suggest India Double Down on Renewables ERG Alumni Deshmukh
April 6, 2021
ERG alumni Ranjit Deshmukh, Amol Phadke and associate professor Duncan Callaway recently had their research, "Least-cost targets and avoided fossil fuel capacity in India’s pursuit of renewable energy" published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Their analysis on India’s power usage, weather patterns and energy infrastructure was featured in the The Current, and suggests that the country is "well positioned to take advantage of green energy sources".
![ERG’s Dan Kammen Interviewed in MCJ Podcast On Nuclear Energy, Carbon Pricing, and More](
Carbon Pricing ERG’s Dan Kammen Interviewed in MCJ Podcast On Nuclear Energy
October 14, 2020
ERG professor Dan Kammen was featured in the latest episode of the My Climate Journey (MCJ) Podcast. Kammen discussed numerous topics, including the feasibility of carbon pricing in the US, the implications of switching a fossil fuel economy to a renewable economy, and much more. "There's no question that 100% renewables is possible. I've done a lot of research, my lab works on scenarios to get the U.S., China, Mexico, Kenya, Bangladesh, Morocco to 100% renewables. And in many cases where the technology mix is improving enough, the climate favors that you can do that. It's also a case that we are not today ready to think about a solar and wind only world, but solar and wind plus storage, plus geothermal, plus potentially nuclear," Kammen states.
![ERGies Contribute to IEEE “Electricity for All: Issues, Challenges, and Solutions for Energy-Disadvantaged Communities”](
Challenges ERGies Contribute to IEEE “Electricity for All: Issues
September 9, 2019
Several ERGies recently contributed articles to an IEEE Special Issue on "Electricity for All: Issues, Challenges, and Solutions for Energy-Disadvantaged Communities."
![ERG’s Isa Ferrall and Haas Teammates Win “Energy in Emerging Markets” Case Competition](
ERG’s Isa Ferrall and Haas Teammates Win “Energy in Emerging Markets” Case Competition
December 10, 2018
The case competition, hosted Nov. 6 by the MBA Energy Club at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, required a team of three to five graduate students to compare the electrical ... Continue Reading »
![ERG’s Isa Ferrall and Haas Teammates Win “Energy in Emerging Markets” Case Competition](
ERG’s Isa Ferrall and Haas Teammates Win “Energy in Emerging Markets” Case Competition
December 10, 2018
The case competition, hosted Nov. 6 by the MBA Energy Club at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, required a team of three to five graduate students to compare the electrical ... Continue Reading »
![ERG Alumni Deshmukh, Mileva, and Wu Explore Renewable Alternatives to Mega Hydropower](
Mileva ERG Alumni Deshmukh
September 12, 2018
ERG alumni Ranjit Deshmukh, Ana Mileva, and Grace Wu recently published their research on alternatives to the hydroelectric power Inga III Dam in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The ... Continue Reading »
![A Battery of Choices – Energy Storage in the 21st Century](
A Battery of Choices – Energy Storage in the 21st Century
March 1, 2018
As the world moves away from using traditional fossil fuels and towards sources of renewable energy like wind and solar, securing cost-effective ways to store this electricity is essential. ERG ... Continue Reading »
![Lessons from Fracking in the USA and Mexico – ERG’s Kammen, Ponce de Leon, and Marsters Examine Mexico’s Energy Future](
Ponce de Leon Lessons from Fracking in the USA and Mexico – ERG’s Kammen
October 10, 2017
Last week, Dan Kammen, Diego Ponce de Leon, and Peter Marsters published their analysis of the environmental, social, economic, and community impacts of the shale industry on Mexico. The team ... Continue Reading »
![Wind and Solar Energy Potential in The Democratic Republic of Congo – New ERG Study](
Wind and Solar Energy Potential in The Democratic Republic of Congo – New ERG Study
October 2, 2017
Image: Renewable Riches: How Wind and Solar Could Power DRC and South Africa (2017) Ana Mileva, Ranjit Deshmukh, and Grace Wu discuss The Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) position to harness ... Continue Reading »
![Paper Authored by PhD Candidate Noah Kittner and Professor Dan Kammen Published in Nature Energy](
Paper Authored by PhD Candidate Noah Kittner and Professor Dan Kammen Published in Nature Energy
August 16, 2017
Noah Kittner and Dan Kammen's new paper, "Energy storage deployment and innovation for the clean energy transition," was published in Nature Energy on July 31, 2017
![Renewable Dis-integration?](
Renewable Dis-integration?
April 12, 2017
ERG associate professor Duncan Callaway co-authored this post with ARE associate professor Meredith Fowlie for the Energy Institute at Haas blog on grid dis-integration and the potential economic effects of grid defection.
![ERG PhD’s Deshmukh and Wu – The Economic Case for Wind and Solar Energy in Africa](
ERG PhD’s Deshmukh and Wu – The Economic Case for Wind and Solar Energy in Africa
April 3, 2017
ERG PhD students Ranjit Deshmukh and Grace Wu discuss their research on cost-efficient renewable energy solutions to meet Africa's energy demands with Berkeley Lab.
![ERG’s Energy Research Featured in Multiple News Outlets](
ERG’s Energy Research Featured in Multiple News Outlets
May 25, 2016
“Research at the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory [ERG Professor Daniel Kammen’s lab] at the University of California Berkeley highlights that while cities currently contribute to global climate change by ... Continue Reading »
![Rethinking Energy on Islands](
Rethinking Energy on Islands
April 25, 2014
Rebekah Shirley (ERG PhD) and Professor Dan Kammen show how small-scale energy can work in the Pacific Islands.
![Earthweek Features ERG Professor Margaret Torn’s Lead Research on Net-Zero Emissions](
Earthweek Features ERG Professor Margaret Torn’s Lead Research on Net-Zero Emissions
March 23, 2021
ERG adjunct professor Margaret Torn was recently featured in Earthweek for her leading research in how the U.S can reach zero net emissions of carbon dioxide in 2050 by shifting energy infrastructure to operate mainly on renewable energy. “It means that by 2050 we need to build many gigawatts of wind and solar power plants, new transmission lines, a fleet of electric cars and light trucks, millions of heat pumps to replace conventional furnaces and water heaters, and more energy-efficient buildings,” Torn states.
![On Science— Kammen Explores the Industrial Drivers of a Low-carbon Economy](
On Science— Kammen Explores the Industrial Drivers of a Low-carbon Economy
September 24, 2019
In an recent article on Science, Kammen contributes insight on the possibilities of harnessing renewable energy through various techniques.
![ERG Professor Callaway – Solar Power in Africa](
ERG Professor Callaway – Solar Power in Africa
April 3, 2017
ERG Professor Duncan Callaway comments on renewable energy in Africa, noting the advancements in solar technology in Crescent Vale News.
![ERG Graduate Students Deshmukh and Wu: Can Wind and Solar Fuel Africa’s Future?](
ERG Graduate Students Deshmukh and Wu: Can Wind and Solar Fuel Africa’s Future?
November 4, 2016
ERG Graduate Students Ranjit Deshmukh and Grace Wu's research on renewable energy in Africa was highlighted in a news article in Nature.
![ERG Professor Kammen: Coal Makes Global Poverty Worse](
ERG Professor Kammen: Coal Makes Global Poverty Worse
October 29, 2016
ERG Professor Daniel Kammen discusses how renewable energy offers a road out of poverty, while coal condemns people to it.
![ERG PhDs in National Geographic: SWITCHing to a Low-Carbon Future](
ERG PhDs in National Geographic: SWITCHing to a Low-Carbon Future
March 3, 2016
ERG PhD students Diego Ponce de Leon Barido and Josiah Johnston published a blog post in National Geographic on renewable energy investments in Nicaragua.
![Sarawak May See the End of Mega Dams](
Sarawak May See the End of Mega Dams
July 1, 2015
As an alternative to the current Baram Dam project, Professor Daniel Kammen presented the benefits of using renewable energy instead of mega hydro-dams at a press conference held at Kuching, Sarawak, East Malaysia.
![ERG Alum Greacen’s book on small power](
ERG Alum Greacen’s book on small power
January 18, 2014
From the bottom up : how small power producers and mini-grids can deliver electrification and renewable energy in Africa
![California Must Accelerate Carbon Neutrality Goal, Argues ERG’s Dan Kammen](
Argues ERG’s Dan Kammen California Must Accelerate Carbon Neutrality Goal
June 17, 2022
In an op-ed published in the Los Angeles Times, ERG’s Dan Kammen pushes for California to set a more ambitious carbon neutrality goal, and suggests that this plan should mobilize ... Continue Reading »
![ERG Alums Williams, Farbes, and Professor Torn Reveal US Can Achieve Net-Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050](
Farbes ERG Alums Williams
February 3, 2021
A new article, "Carbon-neutral pathways for the United States," published in the open-access journal AGU Advances by ERG alums Jim Williams, Jamil Farbes, ERG alum and adjunct professor Margaret Torn, and others found that "reaching zero net emissions of carbon dioxide from energy and industry by 2050 can be accomplished.
![COVID-19 Shifting the Paradigm— ERG Kammen and Student Vasquez Speak at Live Broadcast](
COVID-19 Shifting the Paradigm— ERG Kammen and Student Vasquez Speak at Live Broadcast
May 1, 2020
ERG professor Dan Kammen and ERG PhD student Valeri Vasquez have recently spoken alongside a live panel of UC Berkeley experts in the live broadcast "Climate Change and COVID-19: Can this crisis shift the paradigm?".
![ERG PhD Student Szinai and Alumnus Gopal Link Grid Costs to Electric Vehicle Charge Management](
ERG PhD Student Szinai and Alumnus Gopal Link Grid Costs to Electric Vehicle Charge Management
March 9, 2020
ERG PhD student Julia Szinai, ERG Alumnus Anand Gopal, and two other co-authors from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab have recently published a collaborative research paper on ScienceDirect.
![Two ERG Alumni Named Top 50 Green Innovators and Influencers by Grist Magazine](
Two ERG Alumni Named Top 50 Green Innovators and Influencers by Grist Magazine
March 12, 2019
Sam Arons (MS ’07) and Joshua Apte (PhD ’13) were named as the 2019 “Grist 50” — a list of the most innovative and influential leaders in sustainability. Grist is ... Continue Reading »
![What Does Development Mean for the Stateless?](
What Does Development Mean for the Stateless?
August 31, 2018
For over one million Rohingya refugees living in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh, water and sanitation, health, and shelter are crucial issues. ERG PhD student Samira Siddique examines the importance of ... Continue Reading »
![UC Wins Excellence in Green Power Use Award from EPA](
UC Wins Excellence in Green Power Use Award from EPA
October 30, 2017
Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awarded the University of California system with the Excellence in Green Power Use Award for its investments in renewable energy, and continued progress ... Continue Reading »
![International Team, including ERG, publishes “Three years to safeguard our climate” in Nature](
including ERG International Team
July 5, 2017
“The fossil-free economy is already profitable.”
![ERG PhD Lara Speaks at TEDx Pura Vida 2017](
ERG PhD Lara Speaks at TEDx Pura Vida 2017
March 6, 2017
Last week, ERG PhD student José Daniel Lara spoke in Costa Rica at the TEDx Pura Vida 2017 event. Lara’s talk focused on the urgency for Costa Rica to integrate solar energy ... Continue Reading »
![Kammen highlighted in Scientific American](
Kammen highlighted in Scientific American
December 22, 2016
Daniel Kammen comments for Scientific American on the opportunities scientists think they can seize with the appointment of Trump's climate skeptics.
![ERGie Wins Big Ideas Contest](
ERGie Wins Big Ideas Contest
May 24, 2016
"ERG grad student Emily Woods took 2nd place in the 'Scaling up Big Ideas' category with her project 'Feces to Fuel.'"
![2015 ITRI-Rosenfeld Fellowship Winners Announced](
2015 ITRI-Rosenfeld Fellowship Winners Announced
November 4, 2015
Congratulations to ERG postdoctoral fellow Peter Alstone, who was recently announced a winner of the 2015 ITRI-Rosenfeld Postdoctoral Fellowship.
![Obama’s Clean Power Plan is finally out, but scientists say the work’s just begun.](
but scientists say the work’s just begun. Obama’s Clean Power Plan is finally out
August 5, 2015
ERG Professor Daniel Kammen was featured in two magazine publications regarding Obama's Clean Power Plan and the impacts it might have on the U.S. population.
![ScienceMag: In boosting climate goals, California daring others to follow](
California daring others to follow ScienceMag: In boosting climate goals
May 2, 2015
Dr. Dan Kammen on how CA's new GHG reduction targets are not only good for the state but also international talks
![RAEL at UN Climate Summit](
RAEL at UN Climate Summit
September 26, 2014
SWITCH model selected as a "Project to Watch" by the UN's Big Data Climate Challenge.
![ERG students win United Nations award](
ERG students win United Nations award
November 13, 2013
Jalel Sager (PhD candidate) and Austin Cappon (Minor) head to Nairobi, Kenya to pick up UN prize for a sustainable energy development project in Vietnam.
![ERG Kammen on New Berkeley Study — “90% carbon-free electricity achievable by 2035”](
ERG Kammen on New Berkeley Study — “90% carbon-free electricity achievable by 2035”
September 15, 2020
In a new Berkeley study “2035 – The Report: Plummeting Solar, Wind, and Battery Costs Can Accelerate Our Clean Energy Future,” ERG professor Dan Kammen comments that its findings of the U.S. being able to achieve 90% carbon-free, “clean” electricity could become a reality. "That goal – 90% carbon-free electricity by 2035 – can be achieved without increasing consumer electricity costs 'at all,'" Kammen states. "Solar, wind, and storage costs have fallen so significantly that even conservative leaders, conservative states, districts, countries can legitimately look at renewables, and actually economically need to look at renewables, as their next purchases.”
![Kammen Responds to California’s Canceled Rolling Blackouts in AP News](
Kammen Responds to California’s Canceled Rolling Blackouts in AP News
September 1, 2020
ERG professor Dan Kammen was recently quoted in AP News regarding California's power grid operator cancelling rolling blackouts. These scheduled widespread blackouts were averted after regulators warned that the electric grid would not have enough power to meet demands in the midst of a heat wave. Kammen commented that the state needs to do more to store and sell clean energy sources, and he hopes this week’s blackouts will prompt officials to act. “This is kind of a stress test on the system,” he said. “We have not built up enough of a smart enough system to take advantage of all the renewables we have in place.”
![Kammen and RAEL Address the Racial Inequalities in Solar Deployment on The Beam](
Kammen and RAEL Address the Racial Inequalities in Solar Deployment on The Beam
November 25, 2019
ERG’s Dan Kammen and RAEL investigate how the benefits of solar energy is not distributed equally among individuals, and how there are racial disparities especially in rooftop solar PV deployment ... Continue Reading »
![Noah Kittner and Dan Kammen Argue for Solar and Wind Over Hydropower in Nature Article](
Noah Kittner and Dan Kammen Argue for Solar and Wind Over Hydropower in Nature Article
May 16, 2019
Recent ERG alum Noah Kittner (MS ’15, PhD ’18) and professor Dan Kammen, along with Stanford postdoc Rafael Schmitt and UC Berkeley professor of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Matt ... Continue Reading »
![Alum Chris Jones Featured on Berkeley Talks Podcast](
Alum Chris Jones Featured on Berkeley Talks Podcast
April 10, 2019
As part of April’s Cool Campus Challenge, ERG alumnus Chris Jones (MS ’05, PhD ’14), now director of the CoolClimate Network, sat down with student reporters from the Goldman School ... Continue Reading »
![Study finds racial inequality in the deployment of rooftop solar](
Study finds racial inequality in the deployment of rooftop solar
January 10, 2019
A new study by researchers at UC Berkeley and Tufts University shows fewer rooftop solar photovoltaics installations exist in African-American and Hispanic-dominant neighborhoods than in white-dominant neighborhoods, even when controlling ... Continue Reading »
![2018’s Greenest States — John Harte Weighs In](
2018’s Greenest States — John Harte Weighs In
April 19, 2018
Have you ever wondered which states in the U.S. are the most environmentally conscious? The least? “In order to highlight the greenest states and call out those doing a poor ... Continue Reading »
![Misplaced Praise – How Kosovo Took a Step in the Wrong Direction](
Misplaced Praise – How Kosovo Took a Step in the Wrong Direction
March 13, 2018
The U.S. government recently congratulated the government of Kosovo for signing a contract with American multi-national corporation Contour Global to build a new 500 MW coal-fired power plant. Kosovo highlights ... Continue Reading »
![Emission-Free Neighborhoods? The Oakland EcoBlock Project Pioneers Residential Sustainability](
Emission-Free Neighborhoods? The Oakland EcoBlock Project Pioneers Residential Sustainability
February 14, 2018
The College of Environmental Design (CED) at UC Berkeley spotlighted the innovative Oakland EcoBlock project this week, lead by CED professor Harrison Fraker and ERG chair Dan Kammen. The project, ... Continue Reading »
![What Environmental Policy Options Does the U.S. Have in 2018?](
What Environmental Policy Options Does the U.S. Have in 2018?
January 16, 2018
In a Knowledge @ Wharton public policy podcast, Dan Kammen joins Eric Orts, legal studies and business ethics professor, and director of the school’s Initiative for Global Environmental Leadership. Kammen and ... Continue Reading »
![Climate Change Slowing Down Wind Turbines? Kammen Weighs In](
Climate Change Slowing Down Wind Turbines? Kammen Weighs In
December 12, 2017
With global temperatures increasing, researchers analyze the effects of temperature differences on wind patterns. Multiple studies confirm the possibility of wind resources declining across the Northern Hemisphere, reducing the energy ... Continue Reading »
![New ERG Chair Daniel M. Kammen](
New ERG Chair Daniel M. Kammen
July 25, 2017
We are pleased to announce the appointment of the new Energy and Resources Group Chair, Professor Daniel M. Kammen. His appointment began July 1, 2017. Daniel Kammen is a Professor of Energy with ... Continue Reading »
![ERG-led THIMBY Wins Categories in Tiny House Competition](
ERG-led THIMBY Wins Categories in Tiny House Competition
October 25, 2016
The Tiny House in My Backyard (THIMBY) team won several categories in the 2016 Sacramento Municipal District Tiny House Competition.
![RAEL and GRID Alternatives Partner for Off-Grid Solar](
RAEL and GRID Alternatives Partner for Off-Grid Solar
August 1, 2016
Solar Industry Magazine has announced a partnership between the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL) and nonprofit solar installer GRID Alternatives. RAEL is a unique new research, development, project implementation, and community ... Continue Reading »
![Suburban Living Less ‘Green’ than it Appears, ERG Alumnus Reports](
ERG Alumnus Reports Suburban Living Less ‘Green’ than it Appears
March 15, 2016
ERG alum Christopher Jones comments on suburban sprawl and carbon footprints.
![ERG Summer Courses Available](
ERG Summer Courses Available
February 28, 2016
ERG is offering four of its most popular courses this summer! Enroll Today!
![ERG at the Paris Climate Talks](
ERG at the Paris Climate Talks
December 1, 2015
The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris has begun and will continue until December 11th. Energy and Resources Group faculty, students and alumni will be playing an active role at the conference and the many peripheral activities.
![Feeding people on our stressed planet will require a “revolution”](
Feeding people on our stressed planet will require a “revolution”
August 7, 2015
ERG Professor John Harte was featured on Environmental Health News speaking of how the implementation of sustainable energy will play an important role in future food security.
![CAL-RAE to pilot solar solar microgrid design in rural Uganda](
CAL-RAE to pilot solar solar microgrid design in rural Uganda
May 2, 2015
PhD candidate Jalel Sager, Austin Cappon (ERG minor) and Jonathon Lee to pilot solar microgrid design this spring
![Zoë Chafe leads new WHO Report](
Zoë Chafe leads new WHO Report
March 12, 2015
"We wanted to help policymakers and members of the general public understand that household heating with biomass is a complicated issue," says ERG PhD candidate Zoë Chafe.
![Kammen on UC Climate Advisory Group](
Kammen on UC Climate Advisory Group
June 9, 2014
UC President forms Global Climate Leadership Council including UC professors and climate experts.
![ERG Alum on the Executive Mansion’s Solar Installation](
ERG Alum on the Executive Mansion’s Solar Installation
May 28, 2014
Watch White House scientists, including Dr. Cyrus Wadia (ERG MS'06, PhD'08), talk about the White House's shift toward renewables.
![Suburban sprawl, 50% of U.S. household carbon footprint](
50% of U.S. household carbon footprint Suburban sprawl
January 8, 2014
Chris Jones (ERG PhD) and Prof. Dan Kammen point out that U.S. households are responsible for about 20% of annual worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, which are driving climate change.